A Couple Good Reads

After looking around at a few other blogs there are a couple that stood out to me.

Chris Brogan

Chris is very knowledgable in the world of social media and is very active in the blogging world. You can see from the posts that he makes he knows what he’s talking about, and he has a lot of traffic through his blog. A nice feature about http://www.chrisbrogan.com/ is that he he’s able to stimulate multiple senses with the videos, text, and audio he posts on his blog.

The other blog that I know only enjoy, but feel it could be one of the best Social Media blogs out there is http://www.briansolis.com/. Brian Solis is a genius when it comes to the social media world. He seems to know what’s going to happen way before they even do. He’s also written books, but you see the same information through his blog. Solis goes into Return on Investments, starting up in the social media front, and also covers all the social media platforms. I strongly recommend this blog to anyone that’s interested in social media.

There are Some things that I enjoy about these two blogs that you might see transfer over to this one. I would like to start posting videos to my blog instead of always just putting text up. I feel that by me posting videos it will allow you to put a better face the the text. I would also enjoy a better layout that’s easy to navigate and also allows for some better widgets. The last thing that you can expect to see is a twitter, google+, and Facebook being linked in.

If there are any other changes that you would like to see let me know.

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