Google + or –

Google + Logo

As most of us are wondering is Google+ here to stay or will it just be another fad? The social media world is cyclical and some of these platforms appear like they’ll have an impact and then fizzle out.

I don’t believe that will be seeing that with Google+, it’s going to be a contender for one of the top social media platforms and will be around for a while. Before Google+ went public, open for anyone, they already had 20+ thousand users and also have features that the other platforms don’t offer. Currently it’s not set up for businesses to use, but I’m willing to be by the end of 2011 we’ll see the ability for businesses to have their own pages.

My reasoning for thinking that it’s going to be around for a while is because like Facebook, Google employees some of the most brilliant minds out there and they know what people want in a social media platform. We’re already seeing things that the other platforms don’t offer.

  • Unlimited Photo Storage
  • Google+ and Google Translate work together which offers instant translations
  • Google+ Circle which allows you connect to people and their interests without “Friending” them. Also people can follow you, but you don’t have to follow them.

  • Google+ Hangout allows for up to 10 people to chat at once. They’re currently working on a way to allow you to connect to this through the mobile device.
  • Google+ allows for more customization then all of the other social media platforms

The only reason that this amazing platform wouldn’t succeed is if people don’t accept the fact that change is good. Whenever there is a change on Facebook I see non stop gripping about how people hate it and are going to delete their Facebook’s. What we need to realize is that without these changes Facebook would still be limited to Havard students and non of us would have one. Embrace the change and try something new. Google+ has my vote for a top contender in the social media world!

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